Challenger 2022 Div II Round 1 - PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate

Stage: PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate open - closed since 30 Apr

Stage Details

  • PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate is closed since 30 April 2022.


Currently top leader

Antifreeze 9sec 128ms good for 50 pts

PYPrime - 2b with BenchMateRanking

Latest submissions for stage PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate

Score User Hardware Cooling
10sec 15ms previousslayer DDR4 SDRAM Air (Custom)
9sec 639ms IvanCupa DDR4 SDRAM Air (Stock)
9sec 771ms yee245 DDR4 SDRAM
9sec 772ms yee245 DDR4 SDRAM
9sec 736ms Splave DDR4 SDRAM
17sec 133ms ksateaaa23 DDR4 SDRAM Air (Custom)
10sec 70ms zippytek DDR4 SDRAM Liquid Nitrogen
10sec 116ms zippytek DDR4 SDRAM Liquid Nitrogen
10sec 73ms zippytek DDR4 SDRAM Liquid Nitrogen
10sec 288ms zippytek DDR4 SDRAM Liquid Nitrogen